Saturday, May 21, 2016


My first Bryce post was epic; too bad you'll never read it. My tablet shut itself off before I could save. Oh well, you get this version!

I left the fancy Bryce hotel and headed vw k the way I'd come in search of breakfast and coffee. In Tropic, there was a great place at the bryce canyon Inn. From there I headed back down the highway and randomly turned towards Kodachrome Basin State Park. I started the day with  short hike off a gravel road (I'm getting better at these!) then headed dealer into the park fora longer one. This was a mistake.

The loop hike I did through the Basin was probably one of the most boring hikes of my life. At one point, I dropped all my gear so I could jog to check out the final cave to try to make the hike end quicker. I don't know if it was the heat, the scenery or my mood, but it was a slog the whole way through. Getting back to the parking lot was a huge relief.

Back in Tropic I grabbed lunch (an epic steak taco salad!) then drove back towards the Bryce, stopping for a hike at Mossy Cave. I made a bit of my own  trail here,qnd enjoyed dunking my feet in the cool water of the falls. By the end of the hike I'd finally heard from Albraa.  They were at the KOA and headed for Bryce. I agreed to meet them there, but as I was getting back on my bike, they drove by! So we played follow the leader into the park, and walked from sunset point to bryce point.

The next morning we grabbed breakfast in town so we could do a quick 4 hour hike before the rain that was predicted to start at noon. There was a big black ominous cloud, but the rain  never hit us. It did hit our campsite, but everything stayed dry in our tents. We just chilled out around the campground for the afternoon while the guys did laundry.

The next morning we packed up quickly and headed out to Zion!

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