Tuesday, May 3, 2016


The premise behind this trip is that I invited myself along with a friend, Albraa, and his buddies who were already planning the leg between Denver and LA. Basically, I have the time because I was laid off in March of this year. Another victim of Calgary's current economic climate in the Oil and Gas industry. So far my job search has not been fruitful, and it feels like a perfect opportunity to take on a trip like this. (Read: Albraa mentioned it, I laughingly said "Hey, I'll join!" and now I'm committed.)

I am so excited to see Albraa! We went to UBC together, and I haven't seen him since before I left for New Zealand in 2012. (Long before then because I was working in Calgary before I left for that trip).

Now, the title of this post refers to my current feelings regarding this trip. I'm nervous. I've spent the last few hours plotting the first 4 days of travel (this is where I've focused so much... How am I getting home? A road I guess?).  I don't yet know what I'm capable of. I have a tent and plans to camp along the way, but I don't really know where my kilometer wall will be. How far will I be able to ride each day? I think it will take until at least the third day to know how far/fast I'll be able to travel.

And then there's my budget, which, as an unemployed person, is rather tight. I've got a spreadsheet (yay, enGineer!) going with the amounts I'm expecting to spend on gas, food, lodging and the fun stuff (skydiving & rafting and museums) and frankly, it's probably too much. Is this where I put the donate here button? Kidding, I'll make it work! But I wanted to get this off my chest because I feel really guilty spending money right now; to the point where I second guess myself and don't enjoy the purchases. I'm hoping this confession to the void will help alleviate that.

Off to do laundry! (gonna be stinky soon)

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